Puerto Vallarta Climate and Weather by Month and Year Round

Author: Marcel Vobejda

Senior Advisor 16 May, 2024

Puerto Vallarta Climate

Puerto Vallarta’s natural beauty has captured numerous visitors from all over the world. Aside from its lovely beaches, one distinct characteristic of beautiful Puerto Vallarta is its pleasant weather. The weather in Puerto Vallarta is tropical, sunny, pleasant, and warm most of the year. Puerto Vallarta enjoys a consistent subtropical climate all year round. Summer months are hotter, more humid, and rainier than other seasons. Puerto Vallarta’s weather is at its best from November through March. Puerto Vallarta’s rainy season runs from June through September. It is scarce to be overcast and rainy all day during the rainy season in Puerto Vallarta. It usually rains late in the afternoon, giving beachgoers ample time to enjoy the rest of the beach during the morning. The sun often peeks through during the day. Hurricane season in Puerto Vallarta starts from June to November. However, Puerto Vallarta has a low risk of being hit by hurricanes. Puerto Vallarta’s privileged location makes it perfect for most tourists because the nearby Sierra Madre Mountain Ranges offer it some natural protection from storms. The weather starts to warm up in April, and the average highs are in the mid-26s Celcius by May. Tourist crowds are less in the springtime in Puerto Vallarta.

Summer in Puerto Vallarta is hot and rainy. The climate tends to be quite humid, and rain falls mainly in the afternoon or nighttime. The fall seasons in Puerto Vallarta continue into September, and temperatures cool off in October. The rainy season continues during these months. Comfortable weather starts in November, as well as an increase in tourists. Puerto Vallarta’s winter season is the best time. Temperatures dip around sunset, with average lows around 60 degrees. Throughout December, the weather is still warm and sunny, perfect for the whale watching season and numerous cultural festivals in Puerto Vallarta. Puerto Vallarta has 25 miles (ca. 40 km) of coastline and various topography, including tropical jungles, rough riverbeds, steep mountainsides, and dry flatlands. Each region brings a distinct beauty that adds to the entire charm of Puerto Vallarta.


What is the climate of Puerto Vallarta?

Puerto Vallarta has a tropical wet and dry climate, with constant temperatures and humidity all year round. Puerto Vallarta has dry winters and rainy summers. The average daily high temperature is 30 °C. The average daily low temperature is 21 °C, and the average daily humidity is 75%. The rainy season in Puerto Vallarta is from mid-June through the mid-part of October. Most of the rain is between July and September. Puerto Vallarta’s wettest month is August, with an average of 14 days with significant precipitation. Although it rains almost every other night during the rainy season, summer tropical storms typically wait until early evening before putting on their striking display of thunder and lightning over Banderas Bay. The weather in Puerto Vallarta is always pleasant. Rainy days are few, and beach activities are always perfect.

Puerto Vallarta Weather Conditions

Does every region of Puerto Vallarta have the same climate?

Yes, every region of Puerto Vallarta has the same climate. Puerto Vallarta enjoys a consistent subtropical climate all year round. The wet season is hot, harsh, and overcast. The dry season is warm, humid, and slightly cloudy. The rainy season lasts from June to September. In summer, temperatures reach 90° F and the low to mid-80s F during the winter. Temperatures during nighttime cool down, ranging from the 60s to the mid-’70s.

Puerto Vallarta Climate by Region

What is the average temperature in Puerto Vallarta?

The average daily high temperature in Puerto Vallarta is 30 °C. The average daily low temperature is 21 °C, and the average daily humidity is 75%. January starts the best weather of the year in Puerto Vallarta. The temperature typically stays in the mid-70s with very little rain. Evenings are fantastic, and average lows dip to 16 °C.

Puerto Vallarta Average Temparature

What is the rainiest month in Puerto Vallarta?

The rainy season in Puerto Vallarta is from mid-June through the mid-part of October. Most of the rain is between July and September. Puerto Vallarta’s wettest month is August, with an average of 14 days with significant precipitation.

Puerto Vallarta Rain

What are the precipitation statistics in Puerto Vallarta?

The tropical climate of Puerto Vallarta has less rainfall in winter than in summer. The rain in Puerto Vallarta is around 1497 mm/ 58.9 inches (1.5 m) per year. The driest month is April, and there is 4 mm/ 0.2 inch (5.08 mm) of precipitation during this month. The most rain falls in September, with an average of 340 mm / 13.4 inches (0.34 m).

Puerto Vallarta Precipitation

What is the sunniest month in Puerto Vallarta?

The sunniest month in Puerto Vallarta is May. With an average temperature of 27 °C and the most daily sunshine hours at 12 in May. May has the most sunshine of the year, with an average of 9.8 hours.

Puerto Vallarta Sunny Days

How does Puerto Vallarta use Solar Energy?

The brighter period of the year in Puerto Vallarta lasts for 2.4 months, starting from March 26 to June 6, with an average daily shortwave energy per square meter of over 6.8 kWh. May is the brightest month in Puerto Vallarta, with an average of 7.4 kWh. The darker period lasts for 3.6 months, from July 6 to October 25, with an average daily incident shortwave energy per square meter below 4.8 kWh. September is the darkest month in Puerto Vallarta, with an average of 4.2 kWh.

Puerto Vallarta Solar Energy

What are the sun statistics in Puerto Vallarta Weather?

May has the most sunshine of the year, with an average of 9.8 hours. The month with the longest days is June, and the average daylight is 13 hours and 22 minutes. December is the month with the shortest days, having moderate light of 10 hours and 54 minutes.

Puerto Vallarta Weather Statistics

Which months have higher temperatures in Puerto Vallarta Climate?

The months with the highest temperatures in Puerto Vallarta start from June 9 to October 26, with an average daily temperature above 32 °C. Puerto Vallarta’s hot season lasts for 4.5 months. The hottest month is July, with an average high of 32 °C and a low of 24.5 °C.

Puerto Vallarta Hottest Degree

Which months are the rainy season for Puerto Vallarta Climate?

Most of the rain in Puerto Vallarta is between July and September. Puerto Vallarta’s wettest month is August, with an average of 14 days with significant precipitation.

Puerto Vallarta Rain Season

What are the humidity levels in Puerto Vallarta year-round?

Puerto Vallarta undergoes extreme seasonal variations in the perceived humidity. The sticky period lasts 8.3 months, from April 9 to December 19, during which the comfort level is humid, oppressive, or miserable at least 51% of the time. August is the month with the most sweltering days in Puerto Vallarta, with 31.0 days that are humid or worse.

Puerto Vallarta Humidity

What is the cloud intensity in the sky for Puerto Vallarta?

The average percentage of the sky covered by clouds experiences high seasonal differences throughout the year. The cloudier part of the year in Puerto Vallarta starts around June 19 and lasts for four months, ending around October 20. The cloudiest month in Puerto Vallarta is August, during which, on average, the sky is overcast 93% of the time. The more specific part of the year begins around October 20, lasts for eight months, and ends around June 19. May is the most apparent month in Puerto Vallarta, during which the sky is mostly clear or partly cloudy 65% of the time.

Puerto Vallarta Cloud Intensity

Which months do have a clear sky in Puerto Vallarta?

May is the most apparent month in Puerto Vallarta, during which the sky is mostly clear or partly cloudy 65% of the time. The more specific part of the year begins around October 20, lasts for eight months, and ends around June 19.

Puerto Vallarta Sky

Which months do have a cloudy sky in Puerto Vallarta?

The cloudiest month in Puerto Vallarta is August, during which, on average, the sky is overcast 93% of the time. The cloudier part of the year in Puerto Vallarta starts around June 19 and lasts for four months, ending around October 20

Puerto Vallarta Cloudy Sky

Which months do have a moon in the sky in Puerto Vallarta Climate and Weather?

The night sky is typically clear during the winter months of December to January. During the winter months in Puerto Vallarta, it is ideal to go stargazing and watch the different contours of the moon.

Puerto Vallarta Night Weather

What is the wind area of Puerto Vallarta?

The average hourly wind speed in Puerto Vallarta experiences mild seasonal variation over the year. The windiest month of the year in Puerto Vallarta is April, with an average hourly wind speed of 6.8 miles per hour. Puerto Vallarta’s windier part of the year lasts for 5.2 months. It starts from January 14 to June 19, with average wind speeds of over 6.1 miles per hour.

Puerto Vallarta Wind

Which months do have windier weather in Puerto Vallarta?

The windiest month of the year in Puerto Vallarta is April, with an average hourly wind speed of 6.8 miles per hour. Puerto Vallarta’s windier part of the year lasts for 5.2 months. It starts from January 14 to June 19, with average wind speeds of over 6.1 miles per hour.

Puerto Vallarta Wind Severity

What is the average wind speed in Puerto Vallarta Climate?

The average hourly wind speed in Puerto Vallarta experiences mild seasonal variation over the year. The wind is constantly from the west for 4.1 months, from May 17 to September 19

Puerto Vallarta Wind Speed
How does Puerto Vallarta Wind Speed affect flights to Puerto Vallarta?

Puerto Vallarta’s wind speed is usually calm. The windiest month is April, followed by May. The average wind speed is around 6.8 miles per hour. Most winds are “a light breeze” in Puerto Vallarta. Flights are not frequently impacting within the region. Traveling to Puerto Vallarta is stress-free because the area doesn’t have extreme climates.

Puerto Vallarta Climate for Flights

What is the water temperature for Puerto Vallarta?

Puerto Vallarta’s average water temperature has some seasonal variation over the year. August is the month with the warmest water in Puerto Vallarta. The time of year with warmer water lasts for 4.1 months. It starts from June 30 to November 3, with an average temperature of over 84 °F. Puerto Vallarta’s cooler water lasts for 3.7 months, from January 7 to April 29, with an average temperature under 86 °F. March is the month with the most incredible water, with an average temperature of 75 °F.

Puerto Vallarta Climate for Swimming

Which months of year do have higher temperature for Puerto Vallarta water?

August is the month with the warmest water in Puerto Vallarta. The time of year with warmer water lasts for 4.1 months. It starts from June 30 to November 3, with a standard temperature of over  84 °F. During August, it is ideal to try to explore Puerto Vallarta’s top diving sites, especially when the water is warm.

Puerto Vallarta Hottest Months

Which months of year do have lower temperature for Puerto Vallarta water?

Puerto Vallarta’s cooler water lasts for 3.7 months, from January 7 to April 29, with an average temperature under 86 °F. March is the month with the most incredible water, with an average temperature of 75 °F.

Puerto Vallarta Lowest Temperature

How is the Topography of the Puerto Vallarta?

Puerto Vallarta has 25 miles (ca. 40 km) of coastline and various topography, including tropical jungles, rough riverbeds, steep mountainsides, and dry flatlands. Each region brings a distinct beauty that adds to the entire charm of Puerto Vallarta. The port of Puerto Vallarta is home to 14 palm trees, including the coconut palm. During spring, fruit-bearing trees like avocado, mangoes, guanabana, bananas, and star fruit are abundant. Puerto Vallarta’s coordinates latitude is 20.672667, longitude is -105.195539, and 69 ft (ca. 21 meters) in elevation. The topography within 2 miles (3.22 km) of Puerto Vallarta consists of large variations in elevation. The average elevation above sea level is 263 feet (80.16 meters), with a maximum elevation change of 1,969 feet (600.15 m). Within 10 miles (16.09 kilometers) contains large variations in elevation 6,158 feet (1,876.96 m), and within 50 miles (80.47 kilometers) contains extreme variations in elevation 8,963 feet (2,731.92 m). Puerto Vallarta’s area within 2 miles (3.22 kilometers) covers by water (33%), trees (29%), artificial surfaces (17%), and cropland (17%). Within 10 miles (16.09 kilometers) by trees (48%) and water (31%), and 50 miles (80.47 kilometers) by trees (45%) and water (35%).

Puerto Vallarta Topography

How is the elevation of Puerto Vallarta?

The average elevation above sea level is 263 feet (80.16 meters), with a maximum elevation change of 1,969 feet (600.15 m). Within 10 miles (16.09 kilometers) contains large variations in elevation 6,158 feet (1,876.96 m), and within 50 miles (80.47 kilometers) contains extreme variations in elevation 8,963 feet (2,731.92 m). The elevation is a measurement of height above sea level. It usually pertains to the height of a point on the earth’s surface and not in the air. Altitude calculates using differences in atmospheric pressure.

Puerto Vallarta Elevation

What is the Dew Point in Puerto Vallarta?

Puerto Vallarta’s dew point is 79 °F (26.11 degrees Celsius). Lower dew points feel drier, and higher dew points feel more humid. Dew points change more slowly, unlike temperature, which typically differs between night and day.

Puerto Vallarta Dew Point

What are the data sources for Puerto Vallarta Weather and Climate?

Listed below are the data sources for Puerto Vallarta Weather and Climate.

  • Astronomical Algorithms 2nd Edition: All data concerning the Sun’s position computes using astronomical formulas from the book Astronomical Algorithms 2nd Edition by Jean Meeus.
  • Global Land Cover SHARE Database: Land Use data derived from the Global Land Cover SHARE database, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 
  • OpenStreetMap: Puerto Vallarta’s maps provides by OpenStreetMap contributors. 
  • AskGeo.com: AskGeo.com provides Puerto Vallarta’s time zones for airports and weather stations.
  • NASA’s MERRA-2 Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis: All other weather data for Puerto Vallarta, including cloud cover, precipitation, wind speed, and direction, solar flux, come from NASA’s MERRA-2 Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis.
  • Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM): Puerto Vallarta’s elevation data comes from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), published by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
  • International Standard Atmosphere (ISA): It is a static atmospheric model of how the pressure, temperature, density, and viscosity of the Earth’s atmosphere change over a wide range of altitudes or elevations.

Puerto Vallarta Climate Data Source

Puerto Vallarta Sun Positions Data Source

 All data concerning the Sun’s position, like sunsets and sunrises, are computed using astronomical formulas from the book Astronomical Algorithms 2nd Edition by Jean Meeus.

Puerto Vallarta Sun Position

Puerto Vallarta Weather Stations

AskGeo.com provides Puerto Vallarta’s time zones for airports and weather stations. AskGeo.com provides a simple, fast, and accurate Web API and Java and .NET Libraries for getting relevant information based on a location (latitude and longitude).

Puerto Vallarta Weather Station

Puerto Vallarta Land Cover Data Source

Land Use data derived from the Global Land Cover SHARE database, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The Global Land Cover SHARE database’s primary benefit is to combine its global extent with a capacity to maintain the available land cover data at the country level acquired by geographical and multi-temporal source data.

Puerto Vallarta Land Cover

Puerto Vallarta Elevation Data Source

Puerto Vallarta’s elevation data comes from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), published by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. To gather topographic (elevation) data on Earth’s surface, SRTM used the technique of interferometry. In interferometry, two images extract from various vantage points of the same place. The difference in the two images allows scientists to identify the surface’s height.

Puerto Vallarta Elevation Data

Puerto Vallarta Timezones, Airports, Locations Data Sources

Puerto Vallarta’s time zones, airports, locations, and data sources derive from AskGeo.com. AskGeo.com provides a simple, fast, and accurate Web API and Java and .NET Libraries for getting relevant information based on a location (latitude and longitude).

Puerto Vallarta Data

How to forecast weather in Puerto Vallarta?

Weather in Puerto Vallarta is forecasted based on a statistical analysis of historical hourly weather reports and model reconstructions from January 1, 1980, to December 31, 2016. All other weather data for Puerto Vallarta, including cloud cover, precipitation, wind speed and direction, and solar flux, come from NASA’s MERRA-2 Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis. It combines a variety of wide-area measurements in a state-of-the-art global meteorological model to reconstruct the hourly history of weather worldwide on a 50-kilometer grid.

Forecasting Weather In Puerto Vallarta

How does Puerto Vallarta Climate affect Real-estate Investment?

Puerto Vallarta is a well-known retirement destination for U.S. and Canadian retirees. It has created several neighborhoods within the Puerto Vallarta region specializing primarily in real estate tourism. Puerto Vallarta beachfront properties are among the most sought-after real estate in the world. The area locates on Banderas Bay, which offers some of the world’s most stunning beaches. The weather in Puerto Vallarta is always pleasant. Rainy days are few, and beach activities are always perfect. Various kinds of Puerto Vallarta real estate are available within the area, from luxury villas to high-rise condo units.

Puerto Vallarta Climate affect Real-estate

How does Puerto Vallarta Climate affect its local economy?

Tourism is the prime source of income for the local economy of Puerto Vallarta. Aside from agriculture, the tourism industry provides most jobs for locals.   Puerto Vallarta’s local economy mostly depends on the tourism sector, like hotels, rental condos, restaurants, several tours, and many others involving tourism. The excellent weather of Puerto Vallarta is one significant factor why tourists love to visit the area. It offers majestic views, and the weather in Puerto Vallarta is always pleasant and inviting. Hailed as the friendliest city in the world, Puerto Vallarta’s economy has significantly benefited from the tourism industry and continues to attract people from different parts of the world.

Puerto Vallarta Climate And Local Economy

How does Puerto Vallarta Climate affect tourism?

The tourism industry in Puerto Vallarta is very much alive. Puerto Vallarta hails as the friendliest city in the world. Puerto Vallarta is a resort town famous for its beaches, warm waters, nightlife scene, and pleasant weather all year. No wonder it is frequented by many tourists all year because of its sunny and warm weather. The rainy season isn’t at all wrong in Puerto Vallarta. It usually rains in the late afternoon, so beach goers have the time to enjoy the beach during the morning. Puerto Vallarta’s privileged location makes it perfect for most tourists because the nearby Sierra Madre Mountain Ranges offer it some natural protection from storms. Every Puerto Vallarta Travel Guide agrees that almost every day is a perfect day to enjoy the beach in Puerto Vallarta.

Puerto Vallarta Climate affect tourism

How does Puerto Vallarta Climate affect farming?

Regarding agriculture in Puerto Vallarta, the region is ideal for growing various crops. Puerto Vallarta’s main crops are corn, rice, tobacco, sorghum, watermelon, and mangoes. Even exotic fruits like papaya, lycées, and guanábana grow in the area. Visitors and locals in Puerto Vallarta have access to locally grown fruits due to the pleasant climate that is warm and moderate throughout the year. Tropical fruits thrive in the warm and humid environment of Puerto Vallarta. Farmers in Puerto Vallarta.

Puerto Vallarta Climate affect farming
Marcel Vobejda

Senior Advisor

Based in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México.

By recognizing and respecting the importance of the value in the trust clients place in him, Marcel Vobejda is one of the most trusted Top-seller-buyer and developer Real Estate Advisors in Puerto Vallarta, counting among his clients numerous distinguished business and community leaders. Residing in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco since 2003, works with individuals, investors, and developers interested in our destination’s most coveted Coastal Properties—with a particular focus on the Romantic Zone, Amapas, Conchas Chinas, and specializing in Beachfront properties around the Bay of Banderas.

He’s ranked among the Top in Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit with hundreds of transactions worth of experience since being a full-time Real Estate agent in the area since 2005. In the last decade, involvement in 80% of all transactions in Lower Conchas Chinas and Amapas solidifies his expertise as the go-to professional in the zone.

Recent successes have included the fastest-selling pre-construction development in Record Time and represent the best properties in the area, such as Sayan Beach, Sayan Tropical, Indah, Boracay, and Serena Condominiums on Los Muertos Beach, to name a few.
He is “Real Estate Developers all-inclusive services” beyond the standard Broker sales representation.

A high-touch broker known for his extensive Puerto Vallarta real estate market knowledge and his unmatched devotion to clients, Marcel’s success via positive referrals, long-lasting relationships, decades of networking, and being able to provide his clients with a first position advantage by way of Premier Off-Market property offerings, exclusive only to his portfolio.
He is always striving to earn his client’s respect by working tirelessly on their behalf and always offering them candid advice. Marcel also utilizes the latest technologies and is supported by a full-time sales assistant, Axel Pedraza, who shares Marcel’s attention to detail and passion for trying to reach perfection.

Originally from Vancouver, Canada, but is now a proud “Pata Salada” (Nickname for Locals from Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco). Marcel escaped the rainy days of the Pacific North West and is now deeply connected to Mexico, with his better half being born in Puerto Vallarta; this is where he has solidified his home and started his family. When he isn’t working, Marcel enjoys spending time with his family and friends, cooking, traveling, designing properties, boating, fishing, and anything Coastal Living related.

Current Projects:

I am currently working on a comprehensive guide on property laws in Mexico, focusing on real estate investment requirements and the importance of fideicomiso.

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