About Marcel
By recognizing and respecting the importance of the value in the trust clients place in him, Marcel Vobejda is one of the most trusted Top-seller-buyer and developer Real Estate Advisors in Puerto Vallarta, counting among his clients numerous distinguished business and community leaders. Residing in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco since 2003, works with individuals, investors, and developers interested in our destination’s most coveted Coastal Properties—with a particular focus on the Romantic Zone, Amapas, Conchas Chinas, and specializing in Beachfront properties around the Bay of Banderas.
He’s ranked among the Top in Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit with hundreds of transactions worth of experience since being a full-time Real Estate agent in the area since 2005. In the last decade, involvement in 80% of all transactions in Lower Conchas Chinas and Amapas solidifies his expertise as the go-to professional in the zone.
Recent successes have included the fastest-selling pre-construction development in Record Time and represent the best properties in the area, such as Sayan Beach, Sayan Tropical, Indah, Boracay, and Serena Condominiums on Los Muertos Beach, to name a few.
He is “Real Estate Developers all-inclusive services” beyond the standard Broker sales representation.
A high-touch broker known for his extensive Puerto Vallarta real estate market knowledge and his unmatched devotion to clients, Marcel’s success via positive referrals, long-lasting relationships, decades of networking, and being able to provide his clients with a first position advantage by way of Premier Off-Market property offerings, exclusive only to his portfolio.
He is always striving to earn his client’s respect by working tirelessly on their behalf and always offering them candid advice. Marcel also utilizes the latest technologies and is supported by a full-time sales assistant, Axel Pedraza, who shares Marcel’s attention to detail and passion for trying to reach perfection.
Originally from Vancouver, Canada, but is now a proud “Pata Salada” (Nickname for Locals from Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco). Marcel escaped the rainy days of the Pacific North West and is now deeply connected to Mexico, with his better half being born in Puerto Vallarta; this is where he has solidified his home and started his family. When he isn’t working, Marcel enjoys spending time with his family and friends, cooking, traveling, designing properties, boating, fishing, and anything Coastal Living related.
Current Projects:
I am currently working on a comprehensive guide on property laws in Mexico, focusing on real estate investment requirements and the importance of fideicomiso.
My Articles
14 Popular Beachfront Properties for sale in Puerto Vallarta
Property Laws
Property Taxes
Cheapest Apartments
Real Estate Investing In Puerto Vallarta
Commercial Real Estate
Investment Requirements
Job Opportunities
Condominium for Sale
Cost of Living
Apartments for Rent
Climate and Weather
Things to do